Enabling cross-functional collaboration
Business-essential apps need to be built fast and right. When you rely on full-stack development to speed up the process, you need highly skilled developers. The learning curve is steep. The talent is hard to find. On top of this, such an approach may exclude subject matter experts from contributing to the creation, and we lose valuable user insight. The good news is that a low-code, multi-experience development platform like OutSystems enables a collaborative development environment that folds in automation, AI, and visual development — not just code, frameworks, and libraries. Check out these key capabilities we recommend to help you empower your multi-disciplinary teams.
Visual solutions for business experts
Your HR manager may not know how to code, but they sure know how badly your organization team needs a new expense report app, so that the Sales team can easily file their reimbursements without taking time away from their more important work. They know what information is needed by Accounting, what documents are easily available to Sales. They understand the approval process and criteria. It’s clear that HR needs to be front and center of this digitization initiative. When you have a visual development app, your HR manager’s lack of development experience is a non-issue. In the OutSystems Workflow Builder, for example, they can visually map simple to complex business processes into a workflow-based application for immediate and internal use.Tools to expand developer capabilities
Now that business users can contribute as part of the app team, your developers have the bandwidth to step up their technology game. Multidimensional chatbots, language and sentiment analysis, and document processing are some powerful AI features that you can incorporate into your apps with the help of OutSystems. Developers can explore emerging tech, connectors, and custom AI models to inject more value into your app.Integrated, full-stack application development platform
There are quite a few platforms supporting line-of-business development capabilities. However, you must also look into how an app initially developed by a functional expert can be technically proficient to be later on handled and expanded by the technical development team, without the need for re-coding or re-architecting. In OutSystems, apps created in the visual developer use standard architectures and frameworks in the backend. The output is technically proficient and will easily integrate into the full-stack development platform.IT-governed development
While we encourage the business getting involved in app projects — or what we call citizen development — we do not want to end up with poorly designed, non-secure, and unsupportable apps. OutSystems embeds IT governance into the platform whether you are a business developer or a technical developer. IT managers can design governance models, retaining full control of IT assets. Role-based permissions keep users in their lanes — they are free to explore and develop without fear of causing technical accidents.Idea to apps in minutes