It takes time and an army of engineers to use data as a powerful business weapon. Meanwhile, data continues to pour from multiple channels everyday, and there is no time to waste.

When you onboard a Stratpoint AWS Data team, you gain instant access to experienced data engineers who will help you wield a highly available, scalable, and robust data platform: AWS.


Analytics and Data Warehousing

Make informed decisions based on real-time data. Covers ETL, big data processing, data warehousing, real-time and operational analytics, and visualizations.

Data Movement

Prepare data in its most useful state to your users. Covers combining, moving, and replicating data across multiple channels.

Data Lake

Organize massive data in a location and format where you can easily retrieve and masterfully use them. Includes collecting, storing, modeling, and analyzing data from different sources and in different formats.

Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning

Let data take you deeper, faster to the future of your business. Includes machine learning and natural language functionalities.


Amazon OpenSearch Service

Amazon EMR

Amazon Kinesis

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

AWS Data Pipeline

AWS Glue

AWS Lake Formation

Amazon QuickSight

Amazon Athena

Amazon Redshift

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon RDS

Amazon Aurora

Amazon OpenSearch Service

Amazon EMR

Amazon Kinesis

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

AWS Data Pipeline

AWS Glue

AWS Lake Formation

Amazon QuickSight

Amazon Athena

Amazon Redshift

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon RDS

Amazon Aurora


CRM Web Tool

Globe CRM

Utilized by Globe’s Customer Service Representatives, the internal CRM web tool monitors Globe customer’s mobile data allowances and event records.

AWS Data Services

Chelsea – Web Portal for Reporting and Monitoring

To efficiently and effectively provide management and customers with business-related information, Chelsea Logistics deployed a web portal for reporting and monitoring, leveraging AWS Data Services.

Hyperlocal Info-Exchange App

ABS-CBN Hyperlocal Info-Exchange App

Sharea is a mobile app that helps communities crowdsource, share, and consume fact-checked LGU announcements, health bulletins, job postings, and other local and valuable information.


Careers - Why Stratpoint
Full power and scale of AWS solutions
Stratpoint is an early adopter of AWS solutions, from processing and storage to analytics and artificial intelligence. Our certified AWS professionals will deliver AWS solutions that align with global AWS standards, are seamlessly integrated, and that fully leverage your AWS investment.
Certified expertise
We have been working on AWS for more than a decade. We bring maturity, experience, and vendor-certified skills in every AWS initiative we engage in.
Full service enterprise IT
Stratpoint capabilities cover data, AI, cloud, and software, so we have the skills and resources to build end-to-end solutions that achieve real business goals.