It was a different world in 1998. Google was founded. Apple launched the iMac. In the Philippines, Stratpoint was beginning its history.

Stanford graduate and technopreneur Paco Sandejas had a vision: to showcase Filipino engineering talent on the world stage. On Stratpoint’s 25-year milestone, he says, “It all started with an idea — and a goal. We wanted to give tech talent in the Philippines an opportunity to be updated in high-tech, showcase what they can do, and be competitive without having to leave the country. Through the years, Stratpoint continually reinvents itself. I am amazed that every iteration, we come out with renewed energy. Just as technology keeps innovating, so does Stratpoint.”

2023 and beyond

Stratpoint CEO Mary Rose dela Cruz holds the baton as the company sprints into the future of tech. Of Stratpoint’s growth across the years, she reflects, “It’s true that time flies when you’re having fun. Always keeping a fresh mindset, we managed to make the most out of opportunities, nurture client relationships, and maximize resources. It’s all about problem-solving together as a team. And just like that, Stratpoint grew!”

From October 23-27, we celebrated our journey for the last 25 years and now, we look ahead:

    • Stratpoint is set to break territorial borders, expanding our wings and marking our influence on the global economy. We are already present all over the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and Silicon Valley. As digitalization makes physical location irrelevant, there has never been a more important differentiator than engineering skills and talent.
    • Sustainability is not just a buzzword for Stratpoint. In the next 25 years and beyond, we commit to practices that ensure longevity and prosperity for all stakeholders. Whether it’s through helping businesses achieve operational efficiency through applications and Cloud or building smart cities that open up opportunities for everyone, we are dedicated to making a positive impact through modern and emergent technologies.
    • Stratpoint remains true to our foundational goal to showcase Filipino engineers. We will continue to be a place that nurtures Filipinos and brings pride to the Philippines.

We look forward to partnering with you in our bright future. Join us in this journey by filling out the form below.